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How to keep up with your oral health in college

College is hard. There is no denying that. Late nights spent at the library (or bar). Trying to balance schoolwork and a social life. Being away from home for the first time. It comes with a lot of challenges. Your oral hygiene might be the last thing on your mind. But, it shouldn't be. Follow these tips and tricks to keep your oral health intact while away at school. Preventative care is the most effective, and these practices could save you in the long run. 


    1. Brush your teeth

It sounds simple. We’ve been told to do this since we can remember. But sometimes life gets in the way. Sometimes brushing your teeth after getting home at 2am is the last thing you want to do. However, it is so important you brush your teeth AT LEAST once a day, preferable twice a day or after every meal. Just because your mom isn't there nagging you doesn't mean you don't have to brush anymore. This will keep you from making extra trips to the dentist and from the dreaded gum injection. Just brush your teeth. Please.


    2. Watch what you eat

Red Bulls and other energy drinks are oftentimes necessary whether you're grinding out a 10-page paper that's due in a few hours or trying to stay awake at the bar when your friends refuse to leave. Keep in mind that these drinks, including Celsius, contain high amounts of sugar that can sit on your teeth and lead to decay. Try opting for unsweetened caffeinated drinks like a black coffee or green tea at the library. Swap out your vodka Red Bull for an espresso martini at the bar, and I promise you will still have a great night and look fancier doing it. 


    3. Keep up with your twice-yearly trips to the dentist

School and life can easily get in the way of a trip to the dentist, and without your mom scheduling your appointments, you might totally forget you’re supposed to go. Keeping up with your dental visits is necessary for oral health and your overall health. If you’re close to home, stay scheduled at your dentist. If you are out of state or far away, look into your school’s student health clinic. There is a good chance they have a dental clinic. Also, try scheduling your appointments around school breaks or low-key weeks to make sure you can make it.


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